Moldova made progress in implementing reproductive health polices, report

The Republic of Moldova made significant progress in implementing the Program of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development, including the reproductive health policies and strategies. However, the authorities should not stop here and should continue to work in this respect. In particular, Moldova’s population needs an education program on reproductive health and contraception methods. The conclusions are contained in the tenth annual State of the World Report that was made public in a number of states on November 14, Info-Prim Neo reports. The UNFPA, which compiled the report, says that a series of normative and legislative documents strengthened the sexual and reproductive health rights and conceptions in Moldova. The National Reproductive Health Strategy for 2005-2015 and the Reproductive Health Law guarantee the rights to free choice, information and access to reproductive health and family planning services. At the same time, additional effort is needed to ensure universal access to reproductive health and to reduce maternal mortality. Budget money should be allocated for buying products for healthy reproduction. The National Reproductive Health Strategy must be fully implemented so as to increase access to modern contraception methods. The young people should be broader informed about a healthy lifestyle. The UNFPA report says the governments make a strategic investment when they make family planning a priority of the integrated development strategy, which, besides contributing to protecting the human rights, helps alleviate poverty and stimulates economic growth. The UNFPA Country Office is being fortified for implementing the new 2013-2017 UNFPA Program. The recently designated UNFPA Country Director Ian McFarlane said that family planning has a beneficial effect on health, living standards and the social and economic development. “We know that the men’s involvement in family planning as partners in the relation and in life, the ensuring of greater access to information about reproductive health products and of equal access to services of a high quality are simple actions that can bring extraordinary results. We underline our commitment to work together with the government and our partners so as to promote family planning in the development strategies and ensure the country’s sustainable development,” said Ian McFarlane. Currently, there are 54 reproductive health offices located in all the country’s districts, including the Transnistrian region.

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