Moldova learns from French experience in decentralized cooperation

The local public authorities of Moldova will learn from France’s experience in decentralization, which is considered an advantage for the attractiveness of regions. The French practices will be presented in a seminar that will take place at the “Costesti” tourist complex on October 6 and 7. The event is organized by the Embassy of France in Chisinau in partnership with the Congress of Local Authorities of Moldova (CALM), the Ministry of Regional Development and Construction and the Institute of Administrative Sciences of Moldova.

In a news conference at IPN, First Councilor of the Embassy of France Jeremie Petit said the seminar has three main themes, namely intercommunity cooperation, role of the diaspora and development of rural tourism. Within the seminar, there will be presented the French experience in the field and different models of cooperation between French communities. Also, there will be identified solutions for establishing cooperation relations between a number of communities.

According to Jeremie Petit, in France, as in Moldova, there are many small communities. The experience of France can be useful to Moldova, which has a great cooperation potential that hasn’t been yet realized.

CALM executive director Viorel Furdui said the seminar is an event that will stimulate interest in the experience of France. The activities of the seminar, which will bring together representatives of the local public authorities of Moldova and France, is an opportunity for identifying new methods of implementing French experience and of establishing new cooperation relations.

Institute of Administrative Sciences president Maria Orlov said the event will encourage cooperation between communities of the two countries. The seminar includes working visits to Moldovan-French projects that are under implementation. Besides exchanging experience in the area of decentralized cooperation, the participants will be able to agree joint projects.

  • maria orlov despre dezvoltarea cooperarii.mp3
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