Moldova joins Energy Community

Moldova became a fully-fledged member of the Energy Community. The admission protocol was signed by First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy Valeriu Lazar and Acting Chairman of the Energy Community Fatmir Besimi in Vienna on March 17, Info-Prim Neo reports. According to a communique from the Ministry of Economy, Valeriu Lazar said the signing of the admission protocol is important for Moldova given that it has reduced supplies of own energy resources and because it will significantly contribute to improved regional cooperation in developing these resources. Fatmir Besimi said that by joining the Energy Community, Moldova took a decisive step towards aligning its market rules to the EU standards and the investment potential will therefore increase. Also, Moldova will be able to ensure long-term stability in the energy sector, improve the investment climate, intensify trade and regional integration and diminish the negative impact of the climate change by promoting the use of renewable energy resources and increasing energy efficiency.

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