The Republic of Moldova ranks first among the six member countries of the Eastern Partnership (EaP) as regards the results achieved in the field of European integration, shows a study made by over 50 experts from EaP and EU member states. It is followed by Georgia, Ukraine, Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Belarus, Info-Prim Neo reports. When presenting the study, project leader Irina Solonenko said that it shows the progress in the European integration process made by the six EaP member states in a number of areas, including implementation of democracy, market economy and the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement, the political dialogue, and involvement of civil society. According to the study, Moldova scored more points than other countries in the area of democracy, namely the electoral process, combating of corruption, quality of the public administration, freedom of the press, human rights, independent justice, etc. The experts consider that though Moldova is at the top this year, the results can be much better. Elena Prohnitski, expert of the Association for Participatory Democracy, said that the progress made by the six countries in different areas is non-uniform. For example, Georgia achieved good results in such areas as trade, the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement and independent justice, while Ukraine in energy, transport, security and justice, but has poorer results in the market economy sector. The human rights and freedoms are most often violated in Belarus, but better respected in Moldova and Georgia. Ukraine is a leader by the use of legal anti-discrimination instruments. It is followed by Moldova and Armenia, with a slightly lower score. Moldova lags behind in this field because it did not ratify a number of relevant protocols. For the time being Moldova, alongside Georgia, implemented most of the instruments for ensuring an independent legal system, though justice is still influenced by the political class. IDIS “Viitorul” executive director Liubomir Chiriac said that despite the progress made in the European integration process, Moldova faces a number of serious problems. He voiced hope that Moldova will sign the Association Agreement with the EU, including the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement, by the end of 2013. The European Integration Index for Eastern Partnership Countries is based on a questionnaire with 695 questions that refer to the related areas. The study is to be launched in Kiev too. In Chisinau, it was presented by experts of IDIS “Viitorul”, with financial support from Soros Foundation Moldova.