Moldova has two representatives on Committee for Coordination of Eastern Partnership Activities
Moldova will be represented by two civil society activists on the General Committee for the Coordination of Eastern Partnership Activities. Natalia Cojohari, the vice president of the National Youth Council of Moldova, was elected as coordinator of the Contacts between People platform, while Sorin Mereacre, who heads the Representative Office of Eurasia Foundation in Moldova, became facilitator at the national level, Info-Prim Neo reports.
The coordination committee was created at the European Commission’s Civil Society Forum in Brussels. It was attended by 20 representatives of different nongovernmental organizations from the six states covered by the Eastern Partnership. The Forum created four working groups for each of the four major platforms of the program.
“During the Forum, the European Commission announced that it wants to cooperate with the civil societies of the six countries in the four main areas, called platforms: Democracy, Good Governance and Stability; Economic Integration and Convergence with the EU Policies; Energy security, and Contacts between People,” Sorin Mereacre told Info-Prim Neo.
Natalia Cojohari said the working groups will have the task of monitoring the activities of the Eastern Partnership.
“The European Commission made it clear that the governments of the six states should involve the civil society in the reformation processes that will take place under the Eastern Partnership,” Mereacre said.
The suggestion to organize the Civil Society Forum was put forward during the Swedish presidency of the EU. The Forum will be held once a year. In the meantime, the coordinators at the level of platforms and at the national level will deal with the current activities.
The Eastern Partnership is an organization aiming to improve the political and economic trade-relations of six Post-Soviet states - Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia with the European Union. It was launched in May 2009.