Moldova has translators, not yet profession of translator

It is 20 years since the International Translation Day started to be marked in Moldova, but the profession of translator has not been yet included in the list of professions, the head of the Association of Professional Translators of Moldova Eleonora Rusnac has told Info-Prim Neo. “The young people in Moldova are interested in faculties that prepare translators, which are always in demand. Unfortunately, after graduation most of the young persons choose another way either because they are disappointed or understand that they want something else. When they decide to study at the faculties of foreign languages, they see only the positive aspects of the profession of translator, including the trips, but do not realize that it is a great responsibility to work as a translator,” said Eleonora Rusnac. She expressed her regret at the fact that many translators in Moldova do not take into account the Translator’s Deontological Code and often do their job carelessly, ignoring the mistakes they make. Many persons do translation besides the main job in order to earn money, but they are unable to provide services of a high quality. The head of the Association of Professional Translators considers the translations market is too liberalized in Moldova. “There are many translation offices and it seems that it is now in fashion to open such offices. But the owners pay low salaries to the translators and thus the quality of the work done is poor. We make effort to deal with this and ask for decent pays for the translators, but have not yet achieved results. The clients should somehow penalize the translators who do not do their job. They should no more use their services and inform other possible clients about this. This way only the serious offices may remain on the market,” she stated. In another development, Eleonora Rusnac said the Association of Translators will give a small reception in order to celebrate 20 years of the establishment of the International Translation Day. The International Translation Day was instituted on September 30, 1991 by the International Federation of Translators under the aegis of UNESCO.

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