Moldova-Film launches cinematographic project in concert with Italy

Moldova-Film Studio has announced the launch of a cinematographic project that will be implemented in cooperation with Italy. The movie will be made in Moldova, IPN reports.

The movie’s producer Angelo Iacono said that Moldova-Film has enviable technical and artistic potential. “I was impressed by the halls with requisites -costumes, different arms. It Italy, we must look for them when we make a movie. Moldova has them, but does not use them,” said the Italian producer. He also said that the idea of making the movie appeared several years ago. He wrote the script and found support among the Moldovan filmmakers.

The movie relates the tragic destiny of a Moldovan woman during wartime, in 1914-1917. The film crew will be 70% composed of Italian actors and specialists. Moldovan actor Sergiu Ciubotaru, who will play a part in the movie, was the liaison between the Italian producers and SA Moldova-Film. He studied and lived in Italy for a period and cooperated with Angelo Iacono within a number of projects.

The project was welcomed by the Italian Ambassador to Moldova Enrico Nunziata. “It is a pilot project, but I think the relations between Moldova and Italy will be long-lasting. You can any time count on the embassy’s support,” he stated.

Giancarlo Nicoli, director of the Italian Cultural Center, said that Moldova has a rich culture and this cooperation is very important for both of the states.

The representative of the Ministry of Culture of Moldova Ion Ciobanu stated that the Ministry welcomes this cooperation and will back it.

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