Moldova exported over 5m liters of wine to EU in three months

The Republic of Moldova exported more than 5 million liters of wine to the European Union in the first three months of this year. Most of the products were exported to the Czech Republic, Poland, Romania, and Slovakia, IPN reports.

According to the Ministry of Economy, the Licensing Chamber in the period issued over 300 authorizations for the export of 5.6 million liters of Moldovan wine to the EU. The exports represented 22.4% of the quota of 24 million lei granted by the EU within the unilateral Autonomous Trading Preferences regime.

Eleven authorizations were issued for the export of sugar to the EU. The quota of 34,000 tonnes was 24.7% used. Over 8,000 tonnes of sugar made in Moldova were exported mainly to Romania and Poland.

The lowest number of authorizations was issued for grain. The five authorizations allowed exporting over 2,000 tonnes of wheat, which is 4.4% of the quota of 55,000 tonnes. The wheat was exported primarily to Romania and the UK. No authorizations were asked for the export of barley and corn under preferential regime.

The Autonomous Trading Preferences offered by the European Union to Moldova in 2008 allow exporting over 10,000 types of goods without paying customs duties. Quotas were set for some of the products.

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