Moldova can choose between filing an application for joining the EU or not, Edgars Rinkevics

Moldova can choose between filing an application for obtaining the status of candidate for accession to the European Union or not at the Riga Eastern Partnership Summit at a time when the country is not yet fully ready, the regional situation is difficult and there are differing opinions about the enlargement prospects in the EU, Latvian Minister for Foreign Affairs Edgars Rinkevics told IPN in an interview entitled “Association is not last stage in relations between EU and Moldova”.

“I do not think that the EU is now ready to continue the enlargement policy. First of all, the given states are not yet ready themselves. They have to do many reforms, firstly for the benefit of their own people. We should focus on what we have yet to do, but shouldn’t also close the doors. There is Article 49 of the Agreement of the EU, which provides that any country from Europe can file an application, but it will be accepted into the EU when it is ready. I do not think it is right to say now that the application should be submitted and then you will have to wait for a very long time. We should better focus on the problems that should be solved for implementing the Association Agreement and the Free Trade Agreement,” said Edgars Rinkevics.

The minister believes the Riga Summit will take place in absolutely new geopolitical conditions. “The EU is considering what strategy to adopt in relation to Russia. It’s clear that the relations that existed will no longer exist and this issue is directly related to the Eastern Partnership. I consider that the Riga Summit must focus first of all on the fact that we, the EU, offer a clear political signal that the Eastern Partnership continues. Secondly, we offer a plan of support for the countries that signed the Association Agreement, including Moldova. Thirdly, we must state it clearly that the Association Agreement is not the last stage in our relations with Moldova, Georgia, and Ukraine.”

We understand that there are different opinions in the EU. That’s why the Riga Summit will not be a breakthrough summit, but a summit where we will concentrate our attention on the support for the EaP member states, especially for those that do real reforms. We, for our part, will make everything possible for the doors not to close.”

According to the Latvian official, Moldova continues to be regarded as a leader of the Eastern Partnership that can further count on the development partners’ support on condition that it continues reforms. “We regard Moldova as a country that is among the ‘heavyweights’ of the Eastern Partnership and we should help you. But you must work with us for strengthening this status. On the path of European integration, we are ready to help Moldova implement the Association Agreement, including by providing expertise and, surely, financial assistance. If need be, we will have to further review our relations in the energy sector. I also think that the EU will contribute to reintegrating Transnistria by its instruments. This process will not last for a year, two or five, but I think there are good preconditions and we will be able to help you,” Edgars Rinkevics said in the interview for IPN.

The Latvian Minister for Foreign Affairs paid a visit to Chisinau at the end of last week. In the first half of this year, Latvia holds the presidency of the Council of the European Union. Riga will host the Eastern Partnership Summit on May 21-22 this year.


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