Moldova can be classed as an area with average hepatitis B prevalence

Based on the criteria of the World Health Organization, the Republic of Moldova can be classed as an area with average viral hepatitis B prevalence, of 2-7%, with the risk of infection during life being of 20-60%. The acute hepatitis B-related morbidity decreased from 15.88 cases per 100,000 people in 2001 to 0.65 cases in 2016. The data were presented by the National Public Health Center on July 28, when it is celebrated World Hepatitis Day, IPN reports.

Morbidity from acute hepatitis C diminished from 3.39 to 1.22 cases, while from hepatitis D from 1.47 to 0.07 cases, but the rates are higher than in the European states.

The country’s population benefits from vaccination against viral hepatitis B. This is free and is included in the national immunization program.

This year’s World Hepatitis Day theme is “Eliminate Hepatitis”. A series of activities will be performed today to sensitize the population to the necessity of preventing viral hepatitis, with the active involvement of employees of health facilities.

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