Moldova and Romania sign anti-corruption cooperation protocol

A protocol on cooperation in the field of preventing and combating corruption was signed by the National Anti-Corruption Center of Moldova and the General Anticorruption Directorate of Romania. The document was signed in Bucharest and aims to strengthen efforts to implement effective measures to prevent corruption, IPN reports.

The protocol was signed by NAC director Alexandr Pinzari and DGA chief Ovidiu-Ciprian Antohe.

The head of the NAC noted that the fight against corruption is a strategic priority for Moldova and that significant progress has been made: "The number of corruption cases detected and investigated by anti-corruption officers has increased recently".

The Bucharest event is also attended by anti-corruption officers from Italy. Specialists from all three countries participated in theoretical and practical sessions on the investigation and prosecution of complex corruption cases, including the identification and seizure of virtual assets.

The NAC delegation had a series of meetings and exchange of views with anti-corruption representatives from across the Prut.

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