Modifications in conferring State Award
The money necessary to confer the State Award and to insure the work of the Prize Awarding National Council will be run by the Government's Apparatus. A modification in this respect as to the respective Governmental Decision has been published in the last edition of Monitorul Oficial, Info-Prim Neo reports.
The regulation on the State Award stipulates it is conferred to Moldovan citizens for remarkable achievements with huge impact on the development of the technical-scietific and social-economic progress, on the national and world cultures.
To get the State Award, one can propose people whose scientific researches, production or creativity works were published, made known or applied in practice till the date of starting the respective contest. The works having got similar distinctions were not accepted for the State Award.
Putting up the works for the award is done by ministries, scientific councils, councils of creation unions and university senates.
The candidates for the State Award are elected by secret vote.
The State Award consists of a diploma, an honor badge, a certificate of Laureate of the State Award and money. If the work forwarded to be awarded has been carried by a team of no more than ten persons, all are given the award, as the amount of money is shared.
The regulations states that the State Award can also be conferred post-mortem. The diploma and the money are rendered to heirs, or, if they lack, to the institution having forwarded the work, as the fee is returned into the state budget.