Modern technologies reduce losses, Termocom

Applying modern technologies in individual heat units can reduce losses and improve the quality of heating services offered to consumers. According to a press release of Termocom, the main heat utility in Chisinau, modernization is achieved through projects implemented with the financial support of the Swedish Government and the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA). Overall, 85 individual heat units have been bought and put into use, Info-Prim Neo reports. Ingrid Tersman, the Swedish ambassador in Chisinau, accompanied by 1st Secretary, Deputy Chief for Cooperation and Development, Patrik Stalgren, and Alfa Laval representative, Ghenadie Rudenco, visited heating unit of A.Doga and T. Vladimirescu streets for documentation. The Swedish Ambassador highly appreciated "Termocom"'s sound managing of projects supported by the Swedish government and SIDA. The diplomat re-affirmed her government's support for implementing new projects of improving the efficiency and modernizing the central heat providing network in Chisinau. Over the last years, the Swedish government and SIDA supported several of "Termocom's " requests to use modern technologies in order to use develop the Chisinau heating system, and to adjust the existing technology to the level of Sweden, Baltic Countries and other Central and East-European countries. The visit took place on December 7.

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