Mobile phones for seniors in Durlesti: a digital inclusion program

Several elderly individuals received mobile phones during an event held at "Hyperion" Theoretical High School in Durlesti. The initiative is part of a program launched by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, aimed at promoting digital and social inclusion for seniors through intergenerational dialogue, IPN reports.

For 10 months, young volunteers from Durlesti will help elderly participants learn to use mobile phones and digital services. At the same time, seniors will share their life experiences, strengthening the connection between generations.

Minister of Labor and Social Protection, Alexei Buzu, emphasized the importance of promoting active and healthy aging, stating that beyond ensuring decent pensions and social services, it is essential to create opportunities for participation and socialization for the elderly.

The mayor of Durlesti, Eleonora Saran, thanked the organizers and highlighted that this project provides seniors with a real opportunity to integrate better into the digital society.

The event is part of a broader effort to support the elderly in the Republic of Moldova - the National Program for Active and Healthy Aging - which aims to equip 25,000 seniors with mobile phones and train them in using digital devices and the internet.

According to UNFPA data, only 3% of elderly people in Moldova use information technologies, compared to over 41% in the European Union. Through this program, authorities and international partners aim to bridge this gap and support seniors in becoming more active and connected to the country's social and economic life.

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