The Prosecutors' Superior Council unanimously elected Mircea Rosioru, head of the judiciary department at the Prosecutor General's Office, as its president, IPN reports.
Mircea Rosioru, 34, is a graduate of a Romanian law school. He started his career in the prosecution service in 2001, working in different capcities. In 2010-2013, Rosioru chaired the Superior Council's qualification board.
The Superior Council is the prosecutor's self-governing body. Besides Rosioru and three ex officio members – the Prosecutor General, the president of the Superior Council of Magistracy, and the Minister of Justice – the Superior Council also includes Ruslan Popov, head of the department for prosecution control and methodical assistance; Viorel Tureac, Prosecutor of Balti; Remus Moroz, Prosecutor of Hancesti; Vasile Stoinov, Prosecutor of Comrat; Eduard Masnic, Prosecutor of Buiucani; and three law professors appointed by Parliament: Gheorghe Mitu, Igor Hadarca and Ghenadie Fortuna.
The members of the Superior Councils are elected for terms of four years, except for the ex officio members.