Ministry of Finance concedes shareholding in “National Lottery of Moldova”

The shares owned by the Ministry of Finance in the state-run company “National Lottery of Moldova” SA will be transferred to the Public Property Agency of the Ministry of Economy. A decision to this effect was taken by the Cabinet. The company was founded by a Government decision of 2011. Its share capital totals 250,000 lei, divided into 2,500 ordinary shares to the value of 100 lei each, IPN reports.

Currently, the company is managed by the Ministry of Finance. The decision to transfer the shares to the Public Property Agency was taken because this is the only body empowered to manage and denationalize state property and that can also own shares in commercial organizations with complete or partial state capital.

The foundation of the company in 2011 enabled to implement the legal provisions concerning state monopoly in the area of national lotteries and to institute an organized framework for satisfying the population’s need to take part in lotteries, says the Government decision.

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