The import of products that contain genetically modified organisms could be banned starting with 2018. An initiative to this effect submitted by the Ministry of Environment was discussed by the Parliament’s expert commission. Minister of Environment Valeriu Munteanu said all the products that contain more than 0.9% of genetically modified organisms could be banned in two years, IPN reports.
Under the bill, the companies that bring food, fodder, seeds and drugs into Moldova will have to present a set of documents, including the certificate of origin, to confirm the existence of genetically modified organisms, their proportion and other details. The bill envisions the creation of mechanisms for monitoring import.
The Ministry of Health is to supervise the import of drugs, the Ministry of Agriculture that of food, while the Ministry of Environment that of fodder and seeds. The authorities also want to introduce fines for those who break the law and criminal liability.
According to the Ministry of Environment, the Moldovan labs weren’t authorized to verify the accuracy of the data presented by importers, but specialists say a series of genetically modified products can be found at the national markets and stores, such as fruit, vegetables, chocolate, biscuits, tea, sausages, products from soybean and even medicines.