The Ministry of Education has passed the test of organizing the 2010 session of the baccalaureate exams, also known as the BAC. Representatives of the ministry say that, although unessential, this year's changes have been to the better. Yet Minister Leonid Bujor regrets he hasn't managed to eradicate corruption and cheating during these graduation exams.
The results of the 2010 BAC session were presented on Monday by the Ministry's representatives at a news conference at Info-Prim Neo.
Minister Leonid Bujor informed that this year's tests were personalized and each student's papers were examined by two verifiers. Unlike last year, the tests weren't transmitted via the Internet in order to avoid leaks. Three national centers were created to verify the papers, two in Romanian and one in Russian.
“We wished to have more transparency this year”, said the minister. “We ensured limited access of the Ministry's specialists to the examination centers; none of them had access to the centers where the papers were being verified”, he added.
As in previous years, the exams couldn't proceed without incidents. At least 21 examiners were disciplined for infringements, including for allowing examinees to have mobile phones in the examination room.
Valentina Miron, the head of the Ministry's Evaluation Agency, said the results of the BAC exams will be made public on June 28. According to her, the most marks are in the 7-9 range. Baccalaureate certificates will be issued in the period July 1-14.
Leonid Bujor announced the supplementary BAC session would take place during July 2-14 to examine 65 students who were unable to attend the normal session for legitimate reasons.