Minister says agriculture trends lean towards a bigger added value

Most farmers ask for subventions to plant orchards and vineyards, to buy agricultural technologies and irrigation systems, according to the Minister of Agriculture Valeriu Cosarciuc. “This proves farmers focus on production with a bigger value added”, he said. Cosarciuc is confident that over the next years, funds allotted to farmers will be used mainly for creating multiannual highly-productive plantations. “A hectare of cereals brings an income of 3.5-4,000 lei, while a hectare of orchard may bring revenue of 25-30,000 lei. If we plant intensive orchards, which produce 40-50 tons of fruits per hectare and sell the fruits at 5-6 lei per kilo, than the income will rise to 200-240,000 lei. This is the new strategic direction of agriculture’s development- increasing the rate of products with higher value added”, he stated. Valeriu Cosarciuc mentioned that Moldova would receive $262 millions from the Millennium Challenge Corporation through the Compact Program. $102 millions will be used to restore 11 irrigation systems and building a post-harvesting infrastructure. “We speak about refrigerators, packing houses that will allow us to preserve them properly and to sell them during the whole year”, the Minister said. The Agency of Payments and Interventions in Agriculture approved subventions for 600 farmers, while another 1,500 files are still being examined. This year’s Subventions Fund is 300 millions lei. The main goals will be crediting, insurances, multiannual plantations, vegetable farming on protected soils, greenhouses, solariums, buying technologies and equipment, irrigation systems, post-harvesting infrastructure and others. Subventions are offered through public contests.

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