Minister assures that by 2015 Moldovan hospitals will provide quality and safety for patients
During his hearing by the Parliament, Minister of Health Andrei Usatai assured that by 2015 Moldovan hospitals would provide quality and safety for patients. He promised that hospitals would look differently after the reforms being implemented in the medical sector, Info-Prim Neo reports.
The program of the Ministry of Health plans the modernization of the hospital system and of management, the removal of inefficiencies inherited from previous years, and technological modernization. As regards the health of the population, Andrei Usatai said that in Moldova the number of people who die because of acute heart attacks is higher than in other countries. Deaths caused by acute brain vascular accidents are 10 times more frequent. “This happens because medical institutions aren’t equipped properly to deal with such problems. The strategy for development of the hospital sector is meant to rationalize the use of public money in this sector”, said the Minister.
Andrei Usatai added that measures are taken to modernize the Oncological Institute by attracting private investments from abroad and funds from the Government. The modernization of Municipal Hospital no.3, of the Chisinau Emergency Hospital, of the National Clinic Hospital and of other hospitals had already kicked-off. The Minister assured that as a result of reforms no hospitals would be closed and no people sacked. The Minister also spoke about psychiatric institutions and refuted rumors that experiments would be carried out on people. He said that there are only tests of some medicines in the third phase, which are done with the agreement of patients.
During the hearing, PL MP Gheorghe Brega asked the Minister if it was true that the land on which “Toma Ciorba” Hospital is located would be sold. The Minister denied it.
PCRM parliamentarian Oxana Domenti criticized the reform of the Ministry of Health regarding the joint management of hospitals. She complained that the situation the field of healthcare worsened and that medicines were becoming more expensive.
After all the criticism raised against him, the minister demanded to be allowed to answer some of the questions, but his reply was on a high tone.
Democrat Valentina Stratan said she thought the Minister was smarter, but he had proven himself insolent. PL’s Gheorghe Brega said that the Minister presented different information to the specialized commission and to the assembly of the Parliament.
PLDM group leader Valeriu Strelet stood in defense of the Minister, saying that Andrei Usatai did his best to improve the system through numerous reforms, the fruits of which will ripen only in time.
Afterwards, Speaker Marian Lupu told the journalists that he hoped Andrei Usatai regretted the way he had spoken and assured them that this situation would not pass without consequences.
Andrei Usatai was heard in the Parliament at the requests of the PCRM, PL and PDM groups.