The Cabinet approved a bill that regulates the institution of a minimum social insurance contribution in the amount of 50% of the minimum monthly official salary. This will represent the lowest amount from which monthly social insurance contributions are calculated and paid, guaranteeing decent social welfare, IPN reports.
The legislative proposal envisions also the introduction of a new mechanism for reexamining old-age and disability pensions. In accordance with this, the part of the pension for contributory period and the average monthly valorized insured income obtained after the pension is set will be added together with the pension calculated before reexamination.
Also, the National House of Social Insurance will be authorized to add data to the personal accounts of the insured persons who didn’t present the Insured Person’s Declaration (Rev-5) on time. This way, the insured persons who apply for pension will be exempted from presenting documents showing they worked in a business entity that was liquidated or is being liquidated.