Mihai Godea, PLDM: “The Parliament's work was based on realities in Moldova”

“For the first time after 2001, the legislative body's work was based on the realities existing in Moldova and the major political discussions moved to the Parliament, as they should,” the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party (PLDM) Mihai Godea said during the December 29 sitting of the 18th legislature, which closed its first session, Info-Prim Neo reports. According to Mihai Godea, the most important events in the current session were the creation of the Alliance for European Integration, the respectful treatment of the Opposition by the majority, and the constitution of the Government headed by Prime Minister Vlad Filat. “The current session also saw serious imbalances. The Communist Opposition's refusal to vote in the head of state was aimed at perpetuating the uncertainty and pushing the country towards early elections. The steps taken by the Communists had and will have their political marginalization or disappearance from the political arena as a consequence,” Mihai Godea said. The leader of the Liberal-Democratic faction stressed that the legislature also aimed to adjust the national legislation to the European one.

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