Mihaela Chisnencu wins new prizes at contests where she represents Moldova

Moldovan singer Mihaela Chisnencu, who settled in Bucharest, has won two prizes and a mention diploma at three contests where she represented Moldova, Info-Prim Neo reports. Recently, the young singer took part in the international contest “Steaua Dunarii” (“The Danube Star”) in Romania’s Cernavoda and ranked first in the 15-19 age bracket. Afterward, she won the third price at the contest “Florentin Delmar” held in Focsani, Romania. At the international contest “Twin Hearts” that took place in Chisinau, Mihaela won a first-degree mention diploma. “I was a little disappointed by the contest held in Chisinau. In fact, the competition was not as stiff as at the previous contests. The Moldovan singers were the best, but the organizers of the contest gave the top prizes to the competitors from Bulgaria, Armenia, and Adygheya. The singers from Moldova received mainly special prizes. I was luckier, but I’m not contented with the result,” said Mihaela Chisnencu. She also said that in Romania is not easier. “In Cernavoda, I had the same score as the Romanian singer who won the trophy. The jury consisted mainly of Romanians and they decided that the trophy should remain in Romania,” said Mihaela. However, the singer considers she had a good year and promises to work harder especially now that she turned 18 and is ready to take part in contests for grownups.

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