Migration in children’s and young people’s view

Students aged between 9 and 25 are invited to take part in the Film Festival “Plural+Moldova”, which encourages children and young people to address such issues as integration, identity, diversity, human rights and social cohesion in the whole world, Info-Prim Neo reports, quoting the Ministry of Youth and Sport The participants must present a video of 1-5 minutes - an animated cartoon, a documentary or a sketch – with experiences, opinions, questions or suggestions concerning migration and diversity, coexistence in different cultural and religious contexts. The young people’s contribution to promoting the mutual respect and appreciation may serve as a basis for creating a better society, consider the organizers of the festival. The materials for the contest must be submitted by November 15, 2010. The winners will be awarded on the International Migrants Day. The Festival “Plural +Moldova” is organized by the Ministry of Youth and Sport of Moldova in concert with the Alliance of Civilizations (UN Initiative), the International Organization for Migration and the United Nations Population Fund.

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