MFAEI confirms death of person born in Moldova

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration (MFAEI) confirmed the death in Israel of a person born in Moldova, which doesn’t yet possess the country’s nationality. The clarification came after the press reported that one more Moldovan died in Israel, IPN reports.

“The Republic of Moldova’s Embassy in Israel officially received a notification from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Israel on the issue. This way, the person who died didn’t have the nationality of the Republic of Moldova even if this was born in our country. We offer sincere condolences to the relatives of this person,” stated the MFAEI.

It was earlier reported that a Moldovan aged 35 was among the victims of the terrorist attack committed by infiltrated Hamas militants from the Gaza Strip. He worked close to the conflict zone.

A number of 233 Moldovan citizens returned to Moldova from Israel by Tel-Aviv – Chisinau flights on October 18. Also, 48 Moldovans left for Israel. Moldova’s Embassy in Israel continues to work round-the-clock. The Moldovan citizens in Israel are requested to register using a form to facilitate communication with consular functionaries. For any questions or assistance, Moldovan citizens can contact the Embassy in Israel or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ emergency line. Contact information: web page:, email:, emergency phones: +972 527 789 772; +972 527 998 396 24/7. They can also contact the Ministry’s Call Center: 0 80 090 990 – free of charge from a landline in any locality of the Republic of Moldova: +373 22 188 000 – for calls from a mobile phone or from abroad, +37379818081 (including WhatsApp) or

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