Metropolitan Seat of Basarabia has a website
A Romanian teacher has launched the portal of the Metropolitan Seat of Basarabia, which can be accessed on
According to the Romanian press, the website was built with the blessing of Petru, metropolitan bishop of Basarabia and with the direct support of the teacher Gheorghe Badea who lives in Iasi. He justified the launching of the portal through his wish to help “the brothers from the other bank of Prut river to hold out against the enemies, preserve the faith, and remain a part of ancestors’ church”.
The teachers wants to publicise the life, fight, attempts and achievements of the Metropolitan Seat of Basarabia and to ask the Government of Romania, Ministry of Culture, Department for Romanians from everywhere, the Saint Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church, European bodies to help the Metropolitan Seat of Basarabia to overcome the present state of humility, the injustice it suffers and to “regain the material and cultural patrimony stolen by a wrong history”. has several important sections which present the historic context of Seat’s creation, legitimacy and continuity in the area between Prut and Nistru, as well as the registration process.