Metropolis of Moldova to bring Holy Fire again this year on Holy Saturday

Once again this year, on Holy Saturday of Passion Week, the Metropolis of Chisinau and All Moldova will bring the Holy Fire from Jerusalem. The Holy Light, considered a symbol of the Resurrection, will be distributed to believers across the country.

Between April 14-19, the Metropolis of Moldova is organizing a pilgrimage to the Holy Land, dedicated to Passion Week and the reception of the Holy Light. Pilgrims will have the opportunity to visit significant Christian sites and take part in the Holy Light procession in Jerusalem, IPN reports.

Participants will fly from Chisinau to Tel Aviv, where they will be welcomed by local guides and embark on a spiritual journey that includes visits to Jerusalem, Bethlehem, the Mount of Olives, the Jordan River, and other key sites of Christianity. The itinerary also includes visits to churches built on miracle sites and monasteries housing important relics.

During the pilgrimage, believers will attend the Holy Light procession at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, the central event of Passion Week in the Holy Land.

It is noted that pilgrims will be provided with accommodation, daily meals, and organized transportation for all scheduled activities.

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