Members of electoral bureaus suspected of electoral corruption suspended

A number of members of electoral bureaus, who are on the lists of persons investigated by the police and Prosecutor's Office for electoral corruption, have been suspended, IPN reports, with reference to the Central Election Commission.

"As we have been informed by the law enforcement
agencies, some of the members of the electoral bureaus, including heads, secretaries of electoral bureaus, polling station operators, are part of the cases handled by the police and the Prosecutor's Office and, respectively, some of them have already been removed from the electoral body," said CEC chairwoman Angelica Caraman.

A few days ago, the Public Services Agency
was informed by the Anticorruption Prosecutor's Office that 40 employees of the institution are suspected of having eceived money from the Russian Federation through the PSB application. These facts that are checked within a criminal case. The 40 employees concerned were suspended from their positions for a period of 30 days, and the Agency initiated an investigation to determine whether or not they illegally accessed citizens' data.

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