Medically uninsured persons hurt in January 9 blast to be issued with health policies

Eight of the 13 persons who were hospitalized as a result of the gas cylinder explosion that occurred in a café near the Central Market of Chisinau on January 9 will be urgently issued with health policies. An order to this effect was signed by acting Prime Minister Gheorghe Brega, IPN reports.

According to the Government’s press service, the National Health Insurance Company is to make sure that the eight victims that are not medically insured are included in the mandatory health insurance system during a day.

The Ministry of Health said two of the medically uninsured victims were admitted to a hospital in Romania on January 10. Gheorghe Brega asked that the Ministry should ensure the medical assistance needed by those hurt.

About 20 persons suffered burns in the January 9 blast. Thirteen victims remain hospitalized. Three of them were in a critical condition and were transported to Romania for treatment.

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