Mayors of Chisinau suburbs sanctioned by police

The mayors of two suburbs of Chisinau, Sangera town and Colonita village, have been sanctioned for not installing traffic signs “Attention children” and not renewed the zebra crossings near schools. Deputy commissioner Iacob Gumenita, the head of the municipal police, has told Info-Prim Neo that administrative reports have been written against them and sent to the Center for Combating Corruption and Economic Crime, which will decide on the type of punishment for the two mayors. According to Iacob Gumenita, the two mayors are liable to fine worth 150-300 minimum salaries – between 3, 000 and 6,000 lei (the current minimum salary is 20 conventional units e.n.). The police continue the investigations in other settlements. Mayor of Sangera Ghendie Iurco could not be found. Yet, the Mayor’s Office secretary took the blame, saying that she did not inform the mayor about the warning issued by the police. She said she is ready to pay the fine instead of the mayor. Mayor of Colonita Gheorghe Calancea is on leave. Sources in the waiting room said that the situation is to be examined at a meeting.

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