Mayor of Balti reports attempt to usurp power

The mayor of Balti Alexandr Petkov said that an attempt to usurp power is being witnessed. According to him, representatives of the ruling PAS party, together with the Party of Socialists, set in motion a mechanism of political persecution in order to remove him from office, IPN reports.

"These cases are being examined at record speed. The goal is obvious – to suspend the legally elected mayor from office for a period of more than five months," Alexander Petkov said at a press conference.

According to him, as the law provides, this will lead to the automatic loss of the mandate and the organization of snap elections.

The mayor noted that this action is not only political revenge, but also an attempt to take control of the city, when his team managed to attract European investments and start important infrastructure projects.

Another aspect highlighted by the mayor is the intention to privatize particular strategic facilities, such as RED-Nord and Apă-Canal Bălți, under the protection of influential political figures. Petkov noted that these actions would harm municipal interests and favor corrupt groups, which would use the city's resources for personal enrichment.

The Congress of Local Authorities of Moldova also expressed concern about the pressure exerted on the mayor of Balti. In a statement, CALM called on the central authorities to stop the disproportionate actions and examine the circumstances of this case, respecting the principles of local autonomy and the status of the local elected official.

CALM also said that such practices undermine progress in the field of local democracy and endanger the image of the Republic of Moldova in the eyes of international partners.

Alexander Petkov called on the international community to closely follow the developments.

"The fight for democracy continues, and I will do my best to defend the right of the people of Balti to honest administration and I will not allow corrupt clans to take our city back to the past," concluded the Balti mayor.

He noted that he will remain faithful to his mandate and will fight to protect the right of citizens to fair and transparent administration.

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