Mayor Ceban suggests Chisinau City Hall  is being framed over National Hotel

The derelict building of the iconic National Hotel “has become an instrument for those who want to put the Chisinau in a bad light”, claims Mayor Ion Ceban.

“Last week we were taken by surprise when the National Hotel was fenced off with temporary fencing, plus the public road was closed without a permit from the City Hall. Moreover, the police looked on and did nothing, despite having a duty to intervene immediately, because there was no authorization from the City Hall to close the road, while the explanation that the fence was being installed so as to keep homeless people out of the building doesn’t hold up”, says Ion Ceban.

“In fact, it was done on purpose to incriminate the City Hall of being involved in the (attempted) demolition of the hotel (…) Eventually, the City Hall has revoked the demolition permit and the Centru District Head’s Office removed the fencing”, added Ceban.

The mayor proposes that the Government should grant a state-protected landmark status to the National Hotel. “The building should be nationalized and rehabilitated by the government based on a tender process, and there should be created, for example, a center or hub for young people, for the diaspora, and the Mayor’s Office will offer its support and get involved in this project”, said the mayor.

Earlier today, Ceban’s former deputy Victor Chironda told a press conference that “the City Hall and Mayor Ion Ceban personally are about to implement a new phase of a scheme that seeks the demolition of the National Hotel”.

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