Material Reserves Agency authorized to sequestrate goods

The Materials Reserves Agency will be able to take decisions to sensitize bailiffs and to sequestrate goods and money of economic operators that allow for unauthorized consumption of state and mobilization reserves or store goods in a smaller amount than the agreed one. This is provided in a bill that was unanimously endorsed by the Parliament’s commission on national security, defense and public order, IPN reports.

Under the bill, the sequestration decision will have an effect until the diminished stores are fully restored even if the economic operator challenges the Materials Reserves Agency’s decision in court.

The sponsors of the legislative proposal said that the state budget during the past five years alone was caused damage totaling 4 609 206 lei because the Materials Reserves Agency didn’t have the legal power to sequestrate goods and money.

The state and mobilization reserves are special purpose stores of goods created for ensuring swift state intervention for protecting the population and territory and for ensuring the stable functioning of the national economy and the country’s defense.

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