Marius Lazurca: I hope Moldova will become a European state

Changes have been made in the Republic of Moldova over the past six years and the country has to cover a difficult path to the European Union, the Ambassador of Romania in Chisinau Marius Lazurca, who is completing his duties in Moldova, stated in the talk show “Fabrika” on Publika TV channel, IPN reports.

“I know that the people are dissatisfied with the situation in the country and that they are concerned about the economic situation, the situation in justice and the phenomenon of corruption. But I think that something has changed in these six years. We saw that stability in government was ensured and I hope that this stability will yield results in the nearest future,” said the Romanian diplomat.

Marius Lazurca considers that society has changed the most in our country. “Society in Moldova has made its voice heard. It is a society that after April 7, 2009 supported and accompanied the pro-European governments – a society that is concerned about what is going on in the country. This society became more lucid. I hope that once the Republic of Moldova will achieve the European perspective, which is will become a candidate country, and the entry into the EU while the end of this path, which will be long and hard ,” he stated.

Marius Lazurca believes that his mandate of ambassador to Moldova was a difficult, but fruitful one. “It was a mission that I took up as a brown-haired man, but I’m leaving it gray. But I’m not disappointed,” said the diplomat.

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