Marian Lupu: Talks will continue in presence of Nicolae Timofti

The next round of talks between the PDM, PLDM, PL and Iurie Leanca’s group could take place on December 16, in the presence of President Nicolae Timofti, as the PDM suggested, the Democrats’ leader Marian Lupu said after a new round held in the evening of December 15, IPN reports.

“We proposed and agreed that the negotiations will not take place separately, but in the presence of the head of state. If we reach a consensus and have the consensual agreement on the designation of the Prime Minister, the PDM pledges to secure the number of votes needed to vote in the Premier and to overcome the crisis,” stated Lupu.

He reiterated that the PDM has now the right to suggest the candidate for premiership. “We must keep the formula that we used for six years. The PDM has the largest number of seats. We already have not 19, but 20 seats after an MP joined us. I hope we tomorrow will agree the formula for nominating the Premier. If this right is given to the Democratic Party, we will field the candidate officially,” he stated.

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