Marian Lupu says bomb threats are bad jokes

Head of Parliament Marian Lupu said the bomb scare at the Supreme Court of Justice is a bad joke. “Somebody started to make bad jokes. I think such games are too serious to be instruments of pressure or instruments that can be used in political or other kinds of battles,” Marian Lupu said, quoted by Info-Prim Neo. He also said that somebody is probably interested in artificially creating problems in order to distract people’s attention from really pressing problems. Asked by the journalists what he thought about the bomb threat and the fact that Ion Muruianu, who was just recently dismissed from the post of Supreme Court of Justice president, reportedly did not want to leave the building, the Liberal Party head Mihai Ghimpu said that Muruianu probably has something to hide. “He does not want to get out because there is soothing that he wants to take out,” he stated. On July 5, a man called the police and said that a bomb was put in the building of the Supreme Court of Justice. It happened shortly after Parliament dismissed Ion Muruianu from his post. The employees of the Court were escorted out. After examining the building, the police informed it was a false alarm.

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