Marian Lupu: Current parliamentary session begins in tense moment

The chairman of the Democratic Party Marian Lupu said the current parliamentary session starts in a tense moment when the people are dissatisfied with the slow developments in the country and when groups of instigators were formed to stir things up. In his speech in Parliament, the MP said it is now more important than ever to show lucidity and firmness and to carry out a realistic self-assessment, IPN reports.

Marian Lupu stated that Parliament in the current session should exert pressure on the state institutions so that these complete the investigation and give clear answers as to what happened at Banca de Economii. The economic situation is another issue that should be addressed. “I think Parliament, together with the Government, should start work on an anti-crisis plan. These should hold joint meetings and should analyze all the possible scenarios and prepare a well-structured plan of action,” he said.

According to the politician, the serous credibility crisis faced by the institutions is another serious issue. “There are also other problems and it is important for this session start to be given a realistic tone, not because protests are staged outside, but because the situation requires this,” stated Marian Lupu.

H also said that the fragile parliamentary coalition reveals the responsibility of each MP of the alliance for what will happen. He called on the independent lawmakers to realize the difficulties through which the state will go if the parliamentary majority is lost and to put the country’s interests above everything. He also addressed the opposition, which mounts protests and hopes to score a victory in the end, noting there will be not victory, but anarchy in the end and they will bear responsibility for the created chaos.


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