Man who raped his underage daughter gets 12 years

A man from Hancesti district was sentenced to 12 years’ imprisonment for raping his underage daughter when her mother was working abroad. Specialists say the parents must think well when they decide to leave their children in somebody’s care, while the authorities, especially the social workers, must attentively monitor the families that form part of the risk group, Info-Prim Neo reports. According to a communiqué from the Prosecutor General’s Office, the case happened in January 2012. The girl, who lived with her aunt, came to see her father. The 35-year-old man waited for all the persons in the house to fall asleep and then raped the girl aged 13. When the victim’s mother came home, she found out about the incident and informed the police. Contacted by Info-Prim Neo, the director of the Psychological Rehabilitation Center “Armonie” Lucia Savca said that such situations happen because of a number of factors, first of all due to inebriation and the lack of morals in some families. According to her, the public authorities must and can prevent such cases. The social workers from settlements must know the situation in the families included in the risk group and keep them under supervision by paying regular visits to them. “Most probably, the man was under the influence. He looked at his daughter like at a woman. First and foremost, he had sexual desires that become more acute after drinking alcohol,” said Lucia Savca. She also said that the children can anyway become victims and thus the parents and the authorities should keep the situation under control because many parents are abroad and the children are left in the care of elderly persons, who often become helpless or do not have the necessary authority.

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