Man kills younger brother in a fight

A young man from Niscani village of Calarasi district killed his younger brother, who accused him of paying more than necessary for a horse that he bought. “Ilie Bunescu aged 20 was hit by his brother Gheorghe, who is five years older, with a metallic bar in the evening of November 6. He died the next day as a result of his injuries,” chief police officer of Niscani Nicolae Mirza has told Info-Prim Neo. According to him, the family that was struck by the tragedy is poor. The young men lived together with their mother. The younger brother who was killed has recently returned from Russia, where he worked. When the crime was committed, the brothers were drunk. The older brother was arrested and is held at the remand center of the Calarasi Police Commissariat. He faces 10 to 15 years in jail.

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