Man convicted in absentia for influence peddling in obtaining driving license

A man from Chisinau was sentenced to two years in prison for influence peddling in obtaining a driving license. He is wanted as he did not show up at court hearings, IPN reports.

The Anticorruption Prosecutor's Office said that in July 2021, the defendant, in complicity with another person, demanded and received €1,200 from an applicant for a driver’s license. Instead, they were going to influence employees of the Public Services Agency to illegally obtain the license for categories "B" and "C". The money was transmitted in installments.

Recently, the Buiucani Court of Chisinau City found the defendant guilty, giving him a two-year sentence in prison in absentia and ordering the confiscation of the amount of €300 that he obtained as a result of influence peddling.

The other person was acquitted of complicity on the grounds that his deeds did not meet the constituent elements of the crime. The sentence, however, will be challenged in the Centru Court of Appeals of Chisinau City as the state prosecutor considers it is unfounded.

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