Maia Sandu: Romanian language can become homeland for all our citizens

Moldovan President Maia Sandu says that the celebration of the Romanian language is a fundamental identity element that has been rehabilitated thanks to the Movement of National Renaissance and Liberation. “On Romanian Language Day, we want to honor and know the language, which is the mother tongue of four in five of our country’s citizens,” the president said in a video message, IPN reports.

“I want the Romanian language to become a common denominator for all citizens of the Republic of Moldova, regardless of their mother tongue, and to function here in harmony with the other languages, such as Ukrainian, Russian, Gagauz, Bulgarian and others. The Romanian language can be a homeland for all our citizens,” declared Maia Sandu.

For this to happen, goes on the president’s message, it is necessary to launch a national program to enable speakers of other languages to study the Romanian language. There is also a need for training courses accessible to all ages, more media production in Romanian, and modern Romanian-language educational offers that meet the needs of the labor market.

Maia Sandu stated that we have a beautiful language, which we must make attractive for those who do not know it. For some time now, our language has been heard on the streets of cities and villages around the world. And this is a reason for joy, but also for a sad smile.

“The hardships have driven many of us from home, hardworking and talented people, who have made a living outside. Now many of the children of Moldovans who grow up far from Moldova no longer speak their language and it is a pity. Keeping the interest for our language is the duty of each of us, but also the duty of the state. Let’s make sure that all our children want to speak Romanian”, said President Maia Sandu.

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