The leader of the Party “Action and Solidarity” (PAS) Maia Sandu said that in the current election campaign for the presidential elections, it is more opportune for the party she heads and the Party “Platform Dignity and Truth” nominate a common candidate so as to have chances to go through to the second round. The politician developed the issue in the talk show “Pahomi” on Realitatea TV channel, IPN reports.
“There are a number of risks, such as the large number of candidates or the use of administrative resources by the PDM. That’s why we must suggest a common candidate. For now, we haven’t decided what we will do at the end of September, based on two polls carried out by institutions in which we have confidence. We could not afford to commission polls in August,” stated the PAS leader.
In the program, Maia Sandu suggested that she does not yet have full confidence in the leader of the Party “Platform Dignity and Truth” Andrei Nastase. “The confidence is built and does not come out of the blue. We need time to build this confidence, to see if the person keeps his word. We are in the process of building mutual confidence,” she stated.
Preşedinta PAS a evitat să ofere un răspuns clar la întrebarea dacă Andrei Năstase este o persoană competentă pentru funcţia de preşedinte: „Am discutat foarte mult asupra profilului preşedintelui şi nu am putut să ajungem la un numitor comun. Vor decide cetăţenii cine este mai competent. Fiecare din noi crede că el va face treabă mai bună”.