Maia Sandu: Day of Culture should be celebrated by work, effort, talent, courage and devotion

“The National Day of Culture, the birthday of Mihai Eminescu, is the day we should celebrate by work, effort, talent, courage and devotion throughout the year. There is not only one day of culture. There is culture every day, the culture of each gesture, each thought, each act and each lived moment. The culture is not only plays, ballet, the national embroidered blouse or carols; culture is the way in which we understand ourselves and others, the way in which we accept the others and behave towards those around, the way in which we realize our potential and present this uniqueness to the whole world,” President Maia Sandu posted on her official Facebook page, being quoted by IPN.

The small countries are not mandatorily small cultures. “It is important to appreciate the cultural heritage transmitted by our parents and grandparents. It is important to appreciate the talents and spiritual treasures not only when these are exhibited in other countries, but when we see the incipient talent in our children and young people. Without culture and education, there is no prosperity, there is no tolerance, empathy or social cohesion,” runs the President’s message.

On the occasion of the National Day of Culture that is celebrated in Chisinau and Bucharest on January 15, President Sandu awarded the medal “Mihai Eminescu” and different honorific titles to a number of people of culture from Moldova in appreciation for their devotion to the profession. She also conferred the title of Emeritus Artistic Group to the Comrat folk music and dance ensemble “Diuz-Ava”.

For his part, Minister of Culture Sergiu Prodan in a congratulatory message for the people from the field of culture said that this day recognizes the role of culture in building a society and offers the occasion of honoring the creators. The culture of a nation represents the symbol of its identity and is an in estimable source for developing society and for strengthening the feeling of national dignity.

“The Republic of Moldova goes through a difficult period from socioeconomic viewpoint. It is a period when the whole mankind faces new and new crises caused by the pandemic, rises in the prices of utilities and bare essentials. We must yet understand that not the wellbeing of society gives birth to culture, but namely the culture of society gives birth to wellbeing,” said the official.

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