Maia Sandu and Ilie Bolojan: we all want a lasting peace in Ukraine

President Maia Sandu stated that no one desires peace more than Ukraine. In Moldova, too, everyone longs for real, sustainable, and just peace. It is crucial to prevent a situation where Russia secures a pause to rearm itself, only to resume aggression and continue causing devastation in the region. This statement was made during a press conference alongside Romania’s interim president, Ilie Bolojan, who also advocated for a lasting peace, IPN reports.

"Today, Ukraine is the one ensuring peace for us in Moldova. We support Ukraine and will continue to do so in its pursuit of a just and lasting peace", said President Sandu.

According to Maia Sandu, as long as war persists in the neighboring country, risks remain, and they are significant for everyone. "We have learned our lessons, and I believe we must all work toward achieving this just and lasting peace", she emphasized.

Romania’s interim president, Ilie Bolojan, stated that finding a solution for peace in Ukraine is something everyone wants.

"The situation in this region is complicated, and without solutions for a lasting peace, any ceasefire that is not stable may only provide a short period of calm. If Russia's expansionist ambitions remain unchanged in the coming years, we must also consider the possibility of a renewed conflict," Bolojan warned.

Ilie Bolojan reiterated that Ukraine might only be the first victim. "Ukraine’s security is not only the security of Moldova but also that of Romania," the Romanian official added.

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