A group of pensioners led by Maia Laguta Thursday picketed the building of the Chisinau City Hall, protesting against the higher water bills, Info-Prim Neo reports.
The protest was held in parallel with the meeting of the Chisinau Municipal Council.
Maia Laguta, the head of the civic association “Salvgardare”, said they came to peacefully protest against the decisions of the City Hall and the Municipal Council whereby the people are obliged to pay for the water losses.
“Police officers do not allow me to attend the meeting, but I have the right to as the meeting is public,” said Maia Laguta.
“The prices are high, while the pensions are low and we cannot manage. We receive 800 lei that goes on public utilities. How can we live like this? Something must be changed. I worked all life and now I’m paid 800 lei,” said pensioner Elena Sandulescu.
Another protester, Ana Stepanov said the City Hall servants stay in the warmth and do nothing for the people. “We are hungry and cold. They hold meeting after the meeting, but decide nothing,” said the woman.
Protester Angela Berezovski said the authorities have other priorities than the people’s welfare. “They are concerned about the fir tree. They receive salaries of $1,000 and give the pensioners by 500 lei,” she stated.
The pensioners said they will mount other protests, even during the winter holidays, if the situation is not remedied.