MAE and Ecologist Party demand Moldova withdraw from CIS

The European Action Movement (MAE) and the Ecologist Party “Green Alliance” protested in Chisinau on October 8, demanding that Moldova should withdraw from the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). The police did not allow the representatives of the two parties to protest in front of the Palace of the Republic, where the CIS Foreign Ministers Council holds a meeting. Therefore, they protested 50 meters away, Info-Prim Neo reports. “We want that Moldova becomes part of the EU. The CIS summit in Chisinau is an occasion for pleading for Moldova's withdrawal from the CIS, which does not solve any problem. There are many studies showing this. The CIS causes, but does not solve problems,” said the MAE president Anatol Petrencu. “We do not need foreign weapons on our territory. The arms depots can cause ecological problems in Transnistria as well as in Ukraine. We must realize this danger,” said Andrei Dumbraveanu, the secretary general of the “Green Alliance”. “Moldova's place is in the EU, not in the CIS. The Commonwealth is not viable anymore and brings only disadvantages to the Moldova. The EU will help Moldova improve the social and economic situation and overcome the crisis. We must follow only one path, that to the EU,” said Dina Ivanov, secretary general of the MAE's European Youth Forum.

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