Lump sum of 700 lei could be collected early next January

The persons who benefit from pensions and state social benefits will get lump sums of 700 lei in financial assistance. The money will be available starting with next January and could be collected until the yearend. A bill to this effect and other initiatives that increase the successor’s pension among others were given two readings by Parliament, IPN reports.

The financial assistance is intended for persons who receive different types of pensions and social welfare lower than 2,000 lei. This will be paid by the National House of Social Insurance through the payment service providers that ensure the payment of pensions and social benefits.

Parliament also adopted bills to extend the number of potential recipients of cold-month allowances by about 50,000 persons and to provide monthly allowances equal to the old age pension to the husband or wife of the pension recipient, when this dies earlier, during five years of the moment the old age pension is set for the beneficiary.

Also, the successor’s pension for children younger than 18 will be increased by 25%. In the case of children who study at lyceums, this will be paid until the recipients complete their lyceum studies.

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