Lowest salaries continue to be paid in agriculture

The employees working in agriculture and hunting continue to receive the lowest salaries. The average pay in these sectors in January-May was 1,383.8 lei, in contrast to the minimum state- guaranteed income of 1,450 lei. The highest average salary was paid in the banking sector – 6,000 lei, Info-Prim Neo reports, quoting a communique from the National Bureau of Statistics. In the fish-breeding sector, the average pay was 1,485.8 lei, while in such areas as entertainment, cultural and sports activities – 2,023.9 lei. The monthly average salary in the period rose by 6.2% in nominal terms to 2,804.2 lei, but decreased in real terms and constituted only 99.5% of the average pay in the corresponding period last year. The average pay in the budgetary sphere was 2,472.0 lei. The subsistence level per person for 2009, calculated by the National Bureau of Statistics, was 1,187.8 lei on average. The subsistence level for the population of working age is the highest - 1,251.1 lei, especially for men – 1,327 lei.

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