Lowest number of newborns since declaration of independence logged in Moldova last year

The fertility rate in the Republic of Moldova is low, being under the level of replacement of generations for which the couples should have by at least two children. The lowest number of newborns since Moldova became an independent state was recorded in Moldova last year. The lowest fertility rate was logged in Chisinau, Bălți and Ocnița, while the highest one in Telenești, Cantemir and Sângerei, shows a report on fertility worldwide and in the Republic of Moldova that was presented by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Protection and the United Nations Population Fund, IPN reports.

Boris Gîlca, secretary general of state at the Ministry, said the Republic of Moldova goes through profound demographic transformations and, regrettably, not the most optimistic ones. Population aging and migration, especially of people of reproductive age, leave an imprint. “Moldova is currently among the four-five countries that cause the biggest demographic concerns. On the other hand, I would not share these very pessimistic conclusions as Moldova has a future and it is important to use this opportunity, this demographic window to correctly manage the proportional, demographic policies,” stated Boris Gîlca.

UNFPA Representative in the Republic of Moldova Rita Columbia said it is important for the girls and women to be aware of the choices that can make as to family planning, the number of children they want. The UNFPA will continue to support the policies aimed at facilitating the creation of a favorable environment in this regard.  

Olga Gagauz, vice director of the National Institute for Economic Research, said that when analyzing the fertility rate in 2004 and in 2014 based on the data of the population censuses taken these years, it becomes evident that the rate declined. In 2004, there were 2.38 children per woman of fertile age, while in 2014 the figure decreased to 2.1. 8.5% of the women didn’t give birth to a child at the end of the reproductive age, which is close to 50.
The global population is now 7.6 billion and over 300,000 children are born daily, mainly in the Sub-Saharan African countries. More than 30,000 children were born in Moldova in 2017, by 4,000 children fewer than in 2016. Among the countries with a low fertility rate are Portugal, Singapore, Poland, Greece, and South Korea. The couples there have fewer than two children, which is under the replacement level fertility.

  • boris gilca despre rata fertilitatii.mp3
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