Recent information from the Labor Inspectorate shows a decrease in the number of children involved in the worst forms of child labor in agriculture in Moldova. “These results show that our efforts on combating child labor are having an impact but there is still more to be done. Our organization is committed to continue this initiative and we are well supported by our social partners”, said Eugenia Ganea, coordinator of the Project on Combating Child Labor in Agriculture in Moldova implemented by the National Federation of Employers in Agriculture and Food Industry (FNPAIA), quoted by Info-Prim Neo.
Recently, the FNPAIA Team on Monitoring the Code of Conduct for Employers on the elimination of the worst forms of child labor in agriculture conducted visits to agri-enterprises in Stoicani, Slobozia-Cremene and Racovat village of Soroca district.
The visits which started this autumn in Soroca will cover several other regions of the country by the end of the year. The monitoring visits in Soroca included a meeting with adolescents of the high school in Slobozia-Cremene, during which the FNPAIA Team discussed the benefits of education and the consequences of child labor for children with sixth graders.
In Soroca, the FNPAIA Monitoring Team found out that managers of agri-enterprises speak about the worst forms of child labor in the past tense and actively participate in the social development of their communities through their support to kindergartens, schools and community-centers for children and youth.
The same FNPAIA Monitoring Team conducted monitoring visits to agri-enterprises in Orhei, Hancesti, Floresti, Balti and Stefan-Voda in 2008, and ascertained that the agri-managers understand and comply with the Code of Conduct. But it also identified a few cases which needed to be rectified.
The FNPAIA has been promoting the Project on Combating Child Labor in Agriculture since 2005, with technical support from the ILO Bureau for Employers Activities (ILO-ACT/EMP) and the Government of Norway.
The Code of Conduct for Employers on the elimination of the worst forms of child labor in agriculture and food industry was adopted in December 2007 by the FNPAIA Board.